Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

The Mountain of the Moon was a very interesting movie. There was many hardship things they all went through.

The two explorers and the severnts went though so much to find the soruce of the Nile. One of the many hardships would of been the heat of sun in Africa. The serevents had to carry so much much food without any water was so horrible. They not only had no water but they had had to walk and walk ontop of sharp rocks without any shoes. Another hardship event of their travel would be the bugs at night. At one point one the explores experienced a bug go inside his ear therefore he had to burn his ear.

A strange reason would be the name. The Lake Vicotra would be named after a Brisrish Queen, When the lake is located in Africa. Why would they have a different countries speaical lady';s name?

The euporeans were able to conquer Africa so easily because of the adavaned weapons, they new more and the ways they did their things. they were very planned out while the africans really didnt know much of society; were kinda of dumb

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