Friday, September 5, 2008

Evolution Vs. Creation

Evolution and creation. Still a conflect in the world today. Evolution is such a scienfic explaintion for it. That us humans came from monkeys but now where do monkeys and other animals come from? No one really knows the correct answer. Today still scientics and other people are coming out with more theroys and more facts on the way the world was made.
Some people believe well not really some people its a relgion. I'm cathlic so I would beleive that the world started with God it all. Mircales and other beaiuful things in the world God created. But thats just that way I grew up. They have so many stories for creation. For example the bible, Jesus and Mother Mary but of cousre therees more.

As for me well I truley believe in God created the world us and all the beaiuful things that the world offers today for us. Like I said before I am cathllic and worship God and all the great things he did and sstill does. As for evolution well they do prove there points well but where did it all start now ? It just cant pop outta no where, no. Because God allmighlty i beleieve started it all.

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