Sunday, October 19, 2008

Natnalism and the Creation of Itlay

The meaning to nationalism would be staying to the country that you believe in. Staying true oto it. Following all its laws, rules, and customs.

An example of me be nationalistic would be well following the laws and rules and customs of me coutntry. Respecting it all. Fighting for it cause I know it deserves it. Doing whats right. Speaking my coutrnies main language. And saying the Pledge of Allegence when its said.

We are all nationalisitic sometimes we don't even know we are doing it. It happens I think everyday. Since we have been living in our contry for so long it comes natural.

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar struggled for Spains indepence and worked hard for other Lation American countries.

The Latin American Revolutions were basily a fight for freedom for the spanish countries. Since the Eurpean were taking there goods.

Simon Bolivar gained the indepence for Colombia Venezula Peru Ecdaor and boliva.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

The Reign of Terror was the period in time after the French Revolution [ Setpember 5, 2008] when things were going terribly wrong.

The King, Queen and the Nobles didn't like how things were being runned in the goverment and they also didn't like how they had to share their power. Legislative assembly was made but the King didn't like it as much and so the King and Queen amettped to get out but they were caught at the border and so they were sent back to France.

So much was going on in France it was out of control. Gangs were taking as much control as any goverment. People lived in fear. Jacobins aswell took control and whated to send as many as they could to the guillotine who were connected to the Old Regime and anybody else as well. They were crazy. They even send King Louis XVI to the guillotine.

& Than Maximilien Robespierre came in. The goverment tried to gain power back but they just didn't trust each other anymore. French people were just in shock, fear and terror for everything. Maximilien took control of the goverment, the months were renamed sundays were removed and all the churchs in Paris were closed. The new rules he made he named them Reign of Terror. He not only killed the King but the Queen Marie Anotinette as well. Her last words were an apologized because she steped on the executioner foot.

Eventually a conspirachy was mad against Maximilien Robespierre and he was arrested and his head was cut off. Finally it was over. France was getting to settle down back to normal and than the direcoty gave it to young general and that young general would be Napolen Bonarparte